“Sphinx Legacy” 編纂記 第10回
“Sphinx”にはときとして、マジックを演ずることに関する、重要な蘊蓄が書かれることがあります。今回紹介するのは、いまから100年以上もまえに、Tommy Wonder級の、もしくはそれ以上の理論構築がなされていたことを示す記事を紹介いたします。
この執筆者はプロマジシャンではないようですが、”Magician as an Entertainer”などいくつかの著書があります。この記事は狭い紙幅の中で色々なことが書かれているので、主旨が伝わりにくいかもしれませんが、重要な指摘が含まれているので、全体を収録したあと、いくつかの点を考察してみたいと思います。
出典;”Sphinx”,1911年6月 執筆者: Lewis R. Hillier
Psychology of Legerdemain
Before making his appearance the prestidigitator should fully understand and be able to practically apply the principle of misdirection. To speak more to the point, he must be able to gain and hold the complete attention of his audience from the time the entertainment begins until its close. He must make the spectators look where he wishes them to look, and see what is necessary for the success of the illusion.
Manipulation acts, while often appearing very marvelous, are not so interesting as illusions which allow plenty of scope for the performer to work the principle of misdirection. As a performer, my experience is limited, but I have often listened to people discussing the work of magicians and I gather from such conversations that some of the simplest’ illusions when correctly worked up from a psychological standpoint prove the most interesting and mystifying. In manipulation acts the attention is concentrated directly on the hands and if a coin or a card seems to have disappeared the majority of people will soon realize the position occupied by the object, and, while they may applaud the performer’s dexterity, they will not feel mystified as they surely do when skillfully gotten up illusions are presented.
This matter of holding the attention of the audience in sleight of hand work is a very delicate operation. The spectators should be interested from the start and kept interested for if their minds become inattentive they are not being successfully entertained. And yet the spectators must not be tired. Each trick must be calmly and methodically performed and the psychological effect should permeate as a whole the complete entertainment. After each trick there should be just enough time elapse for the audience to fully appreciate your feat; but not enough time for reflection to get in its work. A happy medium is what the performer should aim at. It is just as much a mistake to fly through a program like a train of cars going through a tunnel as it is to perform too slowly.
The amateur has hard work making himself believe that the spectators can’t see him when he performs some change with his right hand while he is seeking to hold their attention on his left. It is a fact, that, although when taking a general view, the eye seems to take in the appearance of a multitude of objects, when the attention and the gaze is concentrated on your left hand, your right hand may make changes and substitutions almost beneath the eyes of your audience. Experience demonstrates the truth of this assertion.
Another queer fact is that when causing the disappearance of an object many people will solemnly aver that they saw the object disappear in the air.
To my mind there is much akin to hypnotism in the procedure of the prestidigitator. By indirect, subtle suggestions he lulls the reason into abeyance and gently cheats the senses in a manner that is laughable to the initiated.
冒頭に、”マジシャンとして人前に立つまえに、ミスディレクションの原理を理解していなければならない”という文章があるので、”人の目をそらす”という意味でのミスディレクションを意味しているのかと思いきや、”観客の気持ちをしっかりとつかまなければならない”という、Tommy Wonderが主張する’Direction’の説明に近いことから話が始まっています。
最後の結びの言葉が、私の心にぐさっと突き刺さります。”マジシャンの動作のプロセスは、催眠術と大いに関係があります”。このようなことを指摘したマジシャンを、私は初めて知りました。すぐに思い浮かぶマジシャンは、Derren Brownです、私はまえまえから彼はマジシャンであるよりも、催眠術師に近いと思っていました。むしろ、私たちは観客の心を誘導する催眠術師と同じようなことをやっていると割り切ってしまえば、意外と心理誘導の技術をうまく取り入れることができるかもしれません。
私は冒頭にTommy Wonder級と書きましたが、Nevil Maskelyne級と言えるものでもあると思います。このような素晴らしい記事を見つけられるので、私はこの仕事の虜になっています。皆様には、100年以上まえのマジシャンからの声が届いたでしょうか。