“Sphinx Legacy” 編纂記 第27回


出典:”Sphinx”, 1918年4月号 執筆者:A.M. Wilson

Chung Ling Sooが ‘Bullet Catch’の失敗で死亡したことはよく知っていましたが、”Sphinx”を年月順に調べているときにその死亡記事に出逢うことは、感情に訴えるものがあります。

Chung Ling Soo, whose real name was William E. Robinson, the famous magician, who had impersonated Ching Ling Foo all over the world, while performing the trick known as the bullet catching, was accidentally shot on the stage in London. England, last Saturday night and died in a hospital the next morning. Robinson was a native of Providence, R. I., and for many years was an assistant to Herrmann and later Harry Kellar. He was one of the first magicians to introduce black art in America.

After he left Kellar, Robinson assisted by his wife, did an act of his own. In evening clothes he was not much of a success, but upon assuming the Chinese garb, name and make-up he went to Paris and opened at the Follies Bergere, but it was at the Alhambra Theater in London that he made a pronounced hit. He was managed over there by Ike Rose. Since that time he has played with great success all over the world, and his death will be a shock to his many friends. He was 59 years old, and leaves a widow and several children.

Wilsonの記事に続く、W.W. Durbinの哀悼の文章は、ファーストハンド情報でしか感じられない臨場感を感じます。この文章は翻訳しておきました。

Dear Doctor :

Cung Ling Sooは3月24日、ロンドンの病院で死亡いたしました。それはまえの晩、ライフルから発射された弾丸を胸に受けてしまったからです。そのことを知ったとき、私はため息をつきながら、つぎのように思いました。マジックにはいくらでも素晴らしいトリックやイリュージョンがあるのに、なぜマジシャンたちは、’Needle Swallowing’や’Fire Eating’など、わざわざ生命の危険があるものを演じるのだろうかと。

私はChung Ling Sooをよく知っていました。彼の人柄のみならず、天才的な才能を私はたいへん好きでした。マジックを改革するためには、いつでもこのような代償が必要なのでしょうか。そのようなことが何千年も続いてきました。私はこの問題についてずっと考え続けてきて、法的にこのような危険な技は取り締まられるべきとさえ考えています。私の意見ではありますが、このような野蛮なアクトは、演じることがマジックのイメージを悪くするだけです。そんな代償を払わずに、いくらでも人々を感動させるマジックはあるのです。

Balabregaはガスタンクの中で死にました。奥さんの頭の上のリンゴを打ち抜く芸のFrank Frainは、数年まえ失敗して奥さんを殺してしまいました。最愛の人を失って、彼はマジシャンを続けることができなくなってしまいました。



出典:”mentalfloss.com”サイト, 2011年8月23日 執筆者:Bill DeMain

“Bullet Catch”で死亡したマジシャンはChing Ling Sooだけではありませんでした。このようなことを研究するヒストリアンもいるのですね。

Is it possible for a human being to catch a speeding bullet in his mouth? For centuries, magicians have been convincing audiences that it is. Whether the bullet catch is an illusion or the result of lightning-fast reflexes, it definitely comes with a fatal risk. Since its introduction in the late 1500s, many magicians have perished on stage doing the trick, as detailed in Ben Robinson’s 1986 book Twelve Have Died: Bullet Catching—The Story & Secrets.

The presentation of the catch usually goes like this. A bullet is offered to an audience member to examine, then marked for identification and loaded into a gun. The gun is fired by an assistant or a volunteer, directly at the magician’s mouth. The magician catches it with his teeth, or in a cup that’s been placed inside his mouth. He then presents the exploded shell of the marked bullet to the audience for verification. In modern versions of the trick (see Penn & Teller or David Blaine), there is often a plate of glass between the gun and the magician, to confirm that live ammunition is being fired. With that setup, let’s meet six magicians who became unfortunate targets in the bullet catch.

“Sphinx Legacy”には、’Bullet Catch’での事故がどのように起こったかも引用していますが、ここでは最初の1例だけ記載し、他については割愛します。

1. Madame DeLinsky (died 1820年)

The wife/assistant of a Polish magician had a routine where she faced a firing squad of six soldiers.

Back in the early 19th century, rifles were loaded by biting open a cartridge, pouring the gunpowder in the barrel, then jamming the rest of the cartridge down the barrel with a ramrod. In the DeLinsky version of the trick, the soldiers were shills, paid and secretly instructed to bite away the whole bullet and load in a blank. But in the fatal performance, in Germany before a royal court, one of the riflemen apparently got nervous being on stage, and reverted to his usual way of loading the gun. When the bullet hit Madame DeLinsky in the abdomen, several audience members fainted. The Madame died two days later. Adding to the tragedy, she was pregnant and lost her unborn child. Her husband was eventually driven mad from the shock of the accident.

2. Arnold Buck (died 1840年)

3. Professor Adam Epstein (died 1869年)

4. Chung Ling Soo (died 1918年)

5. The Black Wizard of the West (died 1922年)

6. Ralf Bialla (died 1975年)

Biallaの動画を以下のアドレスで見ることができます。長い動画ですが、最後に’Billet Catch’を演じています。

‘Bullet Catch’に特化した以下のサイトがあるのには驚きました。20人のマジシャンがこのマジックで死亡していることが報告されています。

