“Sphinx Legacy” 編纂記 第28回
新型コロナの流行によって始められた”Sphinx Legacy”ですが、スペイン風邪の大流行がマジシャンにおよぼした記事に遭遇してしまいました。
出典:”Sphinx”, 1918年11月号 執筆者:C.R.G.
The fourth regular meeting of this society was held or September 27 at the Y. M. C. A. building, as we have outgrown our previous meeting place. Although the attendance was light owing to the epidemic of “Spanish Influenza” several new names were proposed and voted upon for membership.
1918年11月号 執筆者:Paul R. Sempl (Wheeling)
All the theatres in Wheeling have been closed on account of Spanish influenzza, and will remain so until all cases of “Flu” have been stamped out.
1918年11月号 執筆者:W.H. Domzalski (Society of Detroit Magicians)
The epidemic of the “Flu” has upset all plans, and the joint meeting and show of the Toledo Magicians’ Club and the Society of Detroit Magicians, came not.
Augustus Rapp discontinued giving his entertainments during the influenza epidemic and spent a three weeks’ vacation visiting friends.
1918年11月号 執筆者:C. Roswell Glover (Syracuse)
Owing to epidemic of Spanish influenza the regular meeting of the Central City Society of Magicians was postponed until October 25, when we resumed our bi-monthly meetings with renewed activity.
1918年12月号 執筆者:S.S. Henry (Cincinati Magicians Expert Turkey Manipulators)
Owing to the uncertain conditions prevailing in the West on account of the influenza, Henry and Company have finally postponed all of their Western and Canadian booking until spring.
No sadder news could have reached me other than the death of Helene Graham (Mrs. Maxwell Holden), who died on the eve of Holden’s departure for a month at Paris. Together as Holden and Graham they were making most splendid progress, being well booked up as headliners in England and the provinces. Mrs. Holden died a victim of influenza.
I regret the serious illness of Adrian Plate, and congratulate Houdini on his recovery from a recent attack of the “flu.” (1919年2月号)
Chas. F. Way, a once prominent legerdemainist, formerly of Minneapolis, Minn., died of the influenza on January 18 1919, in Philadelphia, Pa.
Mr. G. L. Silver, father of George Silver (George De Lawrence), passed into the eternal life January 22nd,1920. Influenza, followed by pneumonia, was the immediate cause of death.
スペインかぜ(英語: 1918 flu pandemic, Spanish Flu、スペイン語: La pandemia de gripe de 1918、gran pandemia de gripe、gripe española)は、1918年から1919年にかけ全世界的に大流行したH1N1亜型インフルエンザの通称である。アメリカ疾病予防管理センター(CDC)によるインフルエンザ・パンデミック重度指数(PSI)においては最上位のカテゴリー5に分類される。
感染者は、ある資料では全世界で5億人とされ、 別のデータでは世界人口のおよそ27%(18億-19億)とされており、 これには北極および太平洋諸国人口も含まれる。死亡者数は5,000万-1億人以上、おそらくは1億人を超えていたと推定されており、人類史上最も死者を出したパンデミックのひとつである。現状の歴史的・疫学的データでは、その地理的起源を特定できていない。