“Sphinx Legacy” 編纂記 第39回
出典:”Sphinx” 1903年1月号 執筆者:Nelson Downs
L’Homme Masque
L’Homme Masque (The Marquis d’O) and myself are especially engaged to give a series of magical performances, Nov. 15th to Dec. 31st. Our show runs two hours each evening. The Marquis is a remarkably clever magician i if the non-apparatus school and gives an hour and thirty minutes performance changing his show each evening. He employs absolutely no apparatus and uses only cards, handkerchiefs, flowers, cigars, eggs and other small objects for his illusions. He possesses a great personality and the ability to make a big trick out of nothing. He is eminently original, and strange to say, has never read a book on conjuring in his life.
I always did believe that Alexander Herrmann told the truth when he said “Magicians are born—not made,” and now my convictions are stronger than ever. The Marquis is a born artist and his magical conceptions were born with him. He has had a wonderful career and did not take up magic until late in life; at the age of 43, after losing 800,000 francs at Monte Carlo, he decided to adopt magic as a profession. Making his debut in March 1894, he was an instant and decided success, creating sensation everywhere he appeared. His success was so pronounced that he had many imitators who donned the masque and took his name outright and traded on his reputation. The Marquis is a native of South America, making his first earthly appearance in Peru. Aside from his phenomenal magical abilities he is a genius in many other acts, and one of the best whole-souled good fellows I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. The Society of Magicians in Hamburg, of which Carl Willmann is president, presented the Marquis with a valuable and beautiful gold tipped wand set with diamonds on the occasion of his last visit to that city. He prizes the wand very highly.
I had the good fortune to make the acquaintance of the Marquis in London in May, 1901, quite by chance, at the Arm Chair Club at one of their social sessions, where we were invited guests. After the dinner every one was called upon to tell a story, sing a song or entertain in some special manner. I was called upon first, when the Marquis, who was sitting beside me at the table, immediately introduced himself. We became fast friends and during my two month’s engagement at the Empire we dined together five evenings out of every seven. Many people have tried to “write up” the secrets of his tricks, but he assures me I am the only person to whom he has given the secrets. I hope to get his permission to publish some of them later and I also hope to send a photo of this marvelous Masked Man for publication in the SPHINX.
彼がなぜ「正体を知られたくない」と言ったかについて、私の勝手な想像を書かせていただきます。”Linking Ring”,1950年4月号の”What Became of L’Homme Masque?”という記事の中につぎの一文がありました。
L’Homme Masqueは舞台でマスクをかぶっていただけでなく、カツラも着けていました。舞台を離れた彼は、じつは禿げだったのです。
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