“Sphinx Legacy” 編纂記 第3回



出典:“Sphinx” 1902年5月 執筆者:Nelson Downs


これは、Nelson DownsからWilliam Hilliarに宛てた手紙の中の一文です。

Magic is still having a very good boom both in England and on the Continent, judging from the many conjuring acts engaged at the various halls. Coin and Card Manipulators are in the majority, especially the latter. Its a common thing to see comic singers doing the Back-hand Card Palm. The other day I saw a comedian at one of the small halls made up a La Chirgwin (with black face and white eye), doing the cards for a finish. Very amusing. Francis King, a German King of Coins and Cards, was at the Central Theatre, Dresden, during the month of March, and on the same program were the Manhattan Comedy Four, with Herr Davis (one of the four) doing the Cards Back and Front.


Chas. T. Aldrich, the comedian, was on the program at Wintergarten, Berlin, last month. He does a burlesque imitation of Ching Ling Foo, although he does not expose any of Ching’s tricks. He exposes some very clever ideas, mostly his own, and in my opinion weakens his show by so doing, as his productions were exceptionally clever.



出典:”Sphinx” 1902年11月 執筆者:不明



Brannan & Martini, the alleged magicians, who make a living by exposing tricks on the public stage, are playing the Orpheum circuit. They were in Kansas City week of Oct. 12 and Omaha week of Oct. 19. They expose during their act the egg and handkerchief trick, rose in button-hole, passe-passe, chair servante, torn umbrella and handkerchief changing globe. In spite of Mr. Martini’s promise not to expose the use of the servante in his act he continues to do so.

いくつものトリックを連続して種明かしして、最後にはサーヴァントまで種明かししてしまうというのです。この記事が掲載されているにもかかわらず、”Billboard”で種明かし問題については厳しかったWilliam Hilliarも、この記事には何もコメントしていません。それには明確な理由があります。この1902年11月号のまえの10月号で、Hilliarが”Sphinx”の編集長を辞任してしまったので、この号には携わっていないのです。この11月号から、編集長はM.Inezが担当することになりました。

Brannan & Martiniはこのあとも、機会あるごとに非難され続けます。それでも彼らは種明かしをやめません。この問題が半年後にはどうなっているでしょうか。

出典:”Sphinx” 1903年5月 執筆者: M. Inez


種明かしをアクトにしているBrannan & Martiniが、Martini & Maximilianと名前を変えて、Orpheum Theaterに出演するという情報です。名前を変えたということは、それなりの理由があるようです。M. Inezの以下の記事では、SAMが抗議の手紙をOrpheumに送るべきだと言っています。

Martini & Maximilian (formerly known as Brannan & Martini), who make a business of trying to ruin magic by exposing it and are despised heartily by the entire profession, were booked at the Orpheum, New Orleans, May 4-9, and no doubt will play the entire Orpheum circuit, including the cities of San Francisco, Los Angeles, Omaha and Kansas City. The S. A. M. had better send its first letter of protest to the Orpheum management.


