“Sphinx Legacy” 編纂記 第23回
出典:”Sphinx”, 1917年2月号 執筆者: A.M. Wilson
The status of magic does not depend alone upon the art itself, any more than does music depend upon the score alone. There must be a master mind, a skillful interpreter, an enthusiastic devotee back of it. When the magician, professional or amateur, begins to lose sight of the pecuniary side as the primary end and aim of his vocation or avocation and gives it a subsidiary place in his scheme of magical creation, then, and not until then, will he reach the goal of his ambition, which goal is spelled in the one word, Success.
出典:”Sphinx”, 1918年3月号 執筆者: A.M. Wilson
”Sphinx”発刊18年目を迎えて、A.M. Wilsonは、創刊者であるWilliam Hillar に敬意を表するべく、表紙に写真を掲載し、感謝の気持ちを書きました。
What could be more fitting at this time than to let you look on the features of the man whose brain originated and faith started The Sphinx. It took both vision and courage to start a magic magazine in opposition to Mahatma, which at that time, March, 1902, was the only magical paper in the English language.
Hilliar had just come over from England, and having had a wide and varied experience as a writer on magical subjects and of magical books, conceived the idea that there was room for another magazine, so with the courage of his conviction, the virility of his pen, his personal knowledge of practical magic, wide acquaintance among magicians and the backing of Vernelo’s magic store and printing press. The Sphinx was launched, and stands today as a monument to Mr. Hilliar’s foresight and genius.
As said once before. Mr. Hilliar’s department every week in The Billboard is doing a wonderful work for magic in bringing the art to the attention of thousands that heretofore gave it no thought at all.
Ed Vernelo
Justice would not be satisfied did I fail of my duty and obligation to Mr.Ed Vernelo, in whose magic shop, at 282 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, The Sphinx first saw the light of day. Notwithstanding the successful start given the magazine through Mr. Hilliar, it would have died “a bornin'” after Mr. Hilliar severed his connection with it, had not Mr. and Mrs. Vernelo, assisted by the wise counsel of Mr. Harry S. Thompson determined, and in the fact of many obstacles, to carry on the work so auspiciously begun.
As much glory belongs to . Mr. and Mrs. Vernelo for hanging on and persevering in keeping the magazine going as pertains to Mr. Hilliar for its start. Ed has passed over into the “great beyond.” His body lies in the “city of the dead,” but so long as The Sphinx lives his spirit will live in its name.