“Sphinx Legacy” 編纂記・番外編その1



2022年1月21日にアップロードされたMN7の”Sphinx Legacy”編纂記の第44回においては、DeKoltaの’Vanishing Lady’のことを取り上げました。それを読まれたメイガス師から、DeKoltaは女性を消すだけでなく、女性の上にかけていたショールも消していたということを、MN7代表の中村安夫氏あてに連絡をいただきました。それはSteinmeyerが書いた”Hiding the Elephant”(2003年)に書かれているということでしたので、英語版と日本語版の両方を確認いたしました。日本語版”ゾウを消せ”は、河出書房新社から2006年に発行され、飯泉恵美子さんの翻訳によるものです。両方から関連部分を抜粋引用させていただきます。

One of his greatest creations was the original vanishing Lady  illusion, which he performed at Egyptlan Hall. He began by unfolding a sheet of newspaper on the stage一reminding the audience that this prevented him from using a trapdoor-then positioning a small dining chair on top it. His wife was invited to sit on the chair, and he  covered her with a long silk shawl. As he gestured, throwing his arms apart,the shawl and the lady instantly vanished. He picked up the chair,folded the paper, and took his bow. A magician who saw him perform this recalled, many years later, how deKolta had carelessly turned his prominent backside to the audience before bending down to unfold the paper. The audience quickly overlooked this sort of coarseness; the trick was a masterpiece.


女性にかけたショールも消してしまうことは、”Sphinx Legacy”に引用・収録した”The Wahpenton Times”の記事にも書かれていますが、メイガス師から”ゾウを消せ”に記載されていることを指摘していただいたおかげで、消えたショールがどこに行ったのか、手掛かりがつかめました。

飯泉さんの翻訳はじつに見事な翻訳です。私がよくやるような超訳的な部分は見られず、原文を忠実に訳していながら、違和感のない日本語にされています。それでも’Vanishing Lady’のやり方を知っている私には、ごく一部、このように訳した方が理解しやすいと思われる部分がありました。






残った問題は、2mもの長さのショールを、両手を広げるだけでどうして燕尾服の中に完全に引き込めたのでしょうか。そのことを可能にするのは、’Vanishing Bird Cage’で説明した、折り返し式のプルを使えばよいのです。そのときの図を再録します。





“Ask Alexander”において’Vanishing Lady’で検索すると、2600件ぐらいヒットしました。”Ask Alexander”には、検索ワードが含まれる文章の一部も表示されますので、それを頼りに’Vanishing Lady’のプルについて書かれているものはないかと、目をこらして探しまくりました。

最初に見つかったのは、”New Tops”, 1994年12月号の、Robert Olsonが書いている’Men of Magic’というタイトルの記事でした。その中で’Vanishing Bird Cage’にDeKoltaが使ったプルのことに関して、つぎのように書いています。

The complicated “pull” used should be mentioned as in this De Kolta was a past master. He even made the covering cloth for his ‘Vanishing Lady’ up his sleeve.

DeKoltaが’Vanishing Lady’において、袖の中に引きこむプルを使っていたと書いているのです。しかしながらこの記述はSteinmeyerの指摘を証明する次元のものではありません。同じことを指摘しているのです。私の執念はまだ燃えさかっていました。そしてとうとう”Linking Ring”, 1981年1月号に、S.H. Sharpが’David Devant’S Delightful Delusion’というエッセーにおいて、つぎのように書いているのを見つけました。これは大発見です。

Bautier DeKolta had developed his own famous ‘Vanishing Lady’ to extent of making the veil covering disappear simultaneously with the lady. It is explained by Hoffmann in “More Magic” (1890), This as managed by the veil being whipped up the performer’s sleeve by a specially designed pull. But it was very nerve-racking feat to execute convincingly, illusionist sometimes realizing himself to be in the embarrassing situation of finishing part of the ‘vanished’ veil dangling from his sleeve!

そして”More Magic”に書かれている解説を読んだとき、私は感動いたしました。これこそがヒストリアン冥利につきる発見の喜びなのでしょう。Hoffmannがプルについて書いている部分を抜粋して引用いたします。

We have still to account for the disappearance of the veil. In the case of so large an object, the favourite explanation “up his sleeve” appears to be out of the question, but this is precisely “how it’s done.” The operation is effected as follows :

The veil is oblong, about six feet by four, and of very thin soft silk, so as to be capable of being folded or crumpled into very small dimensions. Firmly sewn to its centre is a little “hook.” In an earlier chapter we have described the “Buatier pull,” an ingenious contrivance by which any small object is drawn up the sleeve of the performer. The ordinary length of pull, however, is in this case under two feet, and the veil, even when held by the centre, is nearly three feet six inches. The length of the pull has therefore to be increased accordingly. One end of the cord terminates in a loop which passes over the thumb of the right hand. Thence it is, carried up the right sleeve, across the chest beneath the shirt, and down the left sleeve to the left wrist. Attached to the left wrist by means of a broad leather wristlet, is what is known to mechanics as a “lazy” pulley, i.e., a pulley attached to a jointed swivel, which permits it to take any angle at pleasure. (When there is no pull upon it, it lies flat, hence its peculiar name.) Passing over this pulley, the cord returns up the sleeve, across the chest and down the right arm again, terminating in a second loop. The length is so adjusted, however, that this second loop only reaches the right hand when the arms are flexed, and held close to the body. The moment they are extended it is drawn quite up the sleeve, and rests on the chest. And here it of necessity remains during the greater part of the trick. To enable the performer to get at it when necessary, a piece of very thin cord is threaded through the loop and brought down to the right hand.

Under cover of his final manipulations with the veil (before showing that the lady has departed), the performer draws down the loop. This done, he takes out the pin which secured the veil behind to the cap. Standing sideways (with his right side to the audience) to the chair, he slips loop No. 2 over the hook in the centre of the veil, and at the same time, with his left foot, presses a brass stud (the head of a spring-bolt) immediately behind the leg of the chair on the side on which he stands. This pulls a wire, and thereby withdraws the locking catch of the “head-and-shoulders fake,” which thereupon flies back to its original position behind the chair. Almost at the same moment, he extends his arms, and makes a half-turn of the body, under cover of which the veil disappears, with a “flash,” up his sleeve.

If all goes well, the effect is extremely magical, the visible disappearance of the veil enhancing the marvel of the invisible disappearance of the lady. Both for the ingenuity of its contrivance, and for the personal address evinced in its performance, the trick deserves all praise. But it does not always go well. I have seen it “hang fire” even in the most skilful hands, and I have been assured by performers who have made it a part of their programme, that they never approached this portion of the feat without the dread of a failure. The whole illusion, indeed, is one that demands the minutest finish and accuracy of execution, both on the part of the principal performer and of his lady assistant, combined with absolutely perfect working of the mechanical arrangements. There is risk of failure at every point, but in none so much so as in the disappearance of the veil; and if this is seen (as has now and then been the case) dangling half in and half out of the performer’s sleeve, adieu to the magic of the illusion. In my own opinion, the additional effect of success is not sufficient to counterbalance the risk of failure, and this element of the feat is best omitted.




以上で’Vanishing Lady’のプルの件は、一件落着したと思ったのが2022年1月25日でした。しかし翌日目が覚めたときはたと思い出しました。Hoffmannは、プルの紐はシャツと胸の間を通っていたと書いていたことを。それなら引かれたショールは、シャツと胸の間に入ってくることになります。これは”ゾウを消せ”で暗に指摘されている、ショールが背中に入るという記述と一致しません。


1886年にバリで初演された’Vanishing Lady’を1890年に発行された”More Magic”に、Hoffmannはそのやり方を解説しているのです。DeKoltaがアメリカでこのイリュージョンを演じたのが1891年ですから、ショーで使って話題を盛り上げていたこのイリュージョンのやり方を、DeKoltaはHoffmannに教えたのでしょうか。Hoffmannがやり方を公表したことをDeKoltaは了解していたのでしょうか。
